When Chanukah and Christmas Collide

lighting the chanukiah

Well, it’s that kind of year again, when Chanukah and Christmas overlap. I don’t know about you, but I know that this causes a little stress in our family. We are an interfaith family, and we believe in giving each holiday its due. That’s SO much easier when the holidays are separate! When Chanukah and Christmas fall on the same days, it can be hard to focus on both, but we try! The nuances of this overlap also create issues for Jewish families. There are the questions about Santa and “Christmas Envy.”

For our family, celebrating the holidays distinctly, while acknowledging we have family members with different traditions, helps everyone find the joy in the season. We have Chanukah latkes one night and Christmas lasagna another night. We light the candles each night (being sure to keep them away from the tree!), and everyone who is at our home, no matter their faith, helps to light the menorahs. That way, we can share the light of the season, which is really what it’s all about.

Is your family dealing with “Christmas Envy,”? PJ author Laurel Snyder has a great blog post that will change the narrative.

Are you looking to focus on the values of the Festival of Lights with your family? Check out our 8 Chanukah Values resources.

If you want more specific ideas on navigating “Chrismukkah” as an interfaith family, check out some additional posts on the topic.

And if you want to join a community celebration, we’ve rounded up a great list for you!

Wishing you a season of light and miracles,

Additional Resources