An Inclusive Community is a stronger community. Jewish individuals with disabilities and their families have needs that are universal to all families. Advancing this idea of disability inclusion requires the active involvement of those already involved as well as those outside the disability community. This page was designed to provide the tools to raise awareness, advocate for the civil rights of individuals with disabilities and advance inclusion. This crowd-sourcing guide is a community effort and we invite you to contact us to share updates and new information at [email protected] or call 301-230-7200.
Only by engaging as a community can we develop the vision where we need to go next to become fully inclusive. Thank you for your support to help us maintain the most up-to-date guide to facilitate full inclusion of individuals with disabilities. Return to the Disabilities and Inclusion home page on
Click below for programs and resources in your desired topic.
Nothing for us without us: resources created by self-advocates and family members
Making the physical space welcoming and inclusive for all
Opening up involvement and participation for all
We are all created in the image of God
Expanding opportunities for all is good for business
Information about employment, housing, and financial assistance can be found on the Adult and Senior section of our Resources for Individuals with Disabilities webpages.
Participation by the entire community
Every Jewish student deserves a meaningful Jewish education
Advocating for disability inclusion
Global efforts to advance disability inclusion