Founded in 1992, Suited for Change’s mission is to break down barriers to self-sufficiency by providing professional clothing, career and life skills education to low-income women to increase their employment and job retention potential. Our services are available at no charge and by referral only to low-income women who are actively seeking seeking employment.
Clients come from the DC Metro Region and include homeless women, survivors of domestic violence, teen mothers, senior citizens, former offenders, and women who have overcome addiction. Suited for Change “suits” on average 100 women each month. Since 1992, Suited for Change has helped more than 18,000 area women transition back into the workforce.
Our suiting program provides professional attire, shoes and matching accessories to low-income women who are entering the job market or who have recently started a new job. Clients meet one-on-one with trained volunteers, also known as “wardrobe consultants,” who assist them in assembling a professional wardrobe.
Partner agencies are invited to refer women to Suited for Change for professional attire
on two separate occasions:
Interview Appointment: when each client receives two* interview-appropriate outfits and coordinating accessories.
Employment Appointment: when each client receives three* additional professional outfits, giving her a week’’s wardrobe to begin her new career.
* Subject to availability
Pathways to Employment is our new workshop series that covers a variety of skills to help women thrive in the workplace and achieve self-sufficiency. These workshops are offered throughout the community by request from our referral partners, and teach women soft skills and self-advocacy skills for the workplace and life skills like nutrition and financial literacy. Topics include: conflict management, appropriate dress for the workplace, business etiquette, customer service, salary negotiation, and mock interviews.
Each workshop is 60 to 90 minutes in length, hands-on, interactive, and sensitive to the specific needs of our referral partners’ clientele.
1010 Vermont Avenue NW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005
Suited for Change
1010 Vermont Avenue NW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005