NIJH was established in 1985 to help alleviate suffering in serious and terminal illness. Its 52,000 members comprise business and professional leaders, and a consortium of endowing foundations. It communicates with hospices, family service, medical organizations, and all health-care agencies alerting them to the plight of the Jewish terminally ill. A 24 hour toll-free number (800-446-4448) counsels families, patients and care givers, and provides locations of hospices, hospitals, health professionals and clergy of all faiths. For medical emergencies call 516-791-9191. NIJH provides booklets, books, and cassettes and monographs confronting such issues as truth telling and euthanasia; and provides insights into the art of hoping, the techniques of caring, and the understanding of pain. The NIJH JEWISH LIVING WILL AND DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY document is available to anyone at minimal cost. NIJH recently embarked on an accreditation program providing on site training to any hospice, geriatric center or hospital in the U.S.
732 University Street
North Woodmere, NY 11581
National Institute for Jewish Hospice
732 University Street
North Woodmere, NY 11581