National full time counter-missionary and counter-cult organization. Provides pro-active education, speakers bureau, and family support. Jews for Judaism is the only international, full-time counter-missionary, counter-cult, educational, outreach organization dedicated to countering the multi-million-dollar efforts of deceptive missionary and cult groups that target the Jewish community for conversion.
Runs Community Prevention and Response (CPR) Program. Includes open community town meetings, professional response training, afternoon Hebrew School or Day School study days, teen town meetings, special sessions with Jewish communal workers and lay leaders, and counter-missionary seminar full-day crash courses. Flexible costs based on type of program, number of professionals, material required, length of stay, travel and accommodations. Special presentations scheduled per community requests.
The Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
3506 Gwynnbrook Ave.
Owings Mills, MD 21117
Jews for Judaism
The Rosenbloom Owings Mills JCC
3506 Gwynnbrook Ave.
Owings Mills, MD 21117