New World Radio, Inc. (WUST) is a unique broadcast facility in the Washington metro market. Our concept is simple: We broadcast foreign language programs for Washington’s many international communities.
Features of show: Music of Israel
Sephardic and Yiddish Traditions
Guest Interviews
Community Cultural Events
New Talent
Can advertise organization events on community segment.
Audio-On-Demand feature allows you to download and listen to programs.
Also has tape available for sale. Title of tape is “Welcome Back to Yiddish.” It contains useful idioms for modern times with English explanations. The tape also contains Jewish folk music. Last 3 shows are archived She is also available for lectures, topics include:
Yiddish idioms and the relevancy for today
Poets and Pioneers of Israel (Israeli Music Program) “The Way It Was
Yiddish folksongs
American Jewish Radio “Then and Now”
American Jewish Musicals and Films
2131 Crimmins Lane
Falls Church, VA 22043
Jewish Community Radio with Estelle D. Abraham
2131 Crimmins Lane
Falls Church, VA 22043