
From Sanctuary to Synagogue

Date: Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Time: 8:00 pm - 9:15 pm
Online OnlyOnline Only

Wednesday, August 11, 2021 at 8 pm via Zoom

From Sanctuary to Synagogue

Robert Stieglitz, Rutgers University



This illustrated lecture details the origins of the synagogue and its decorative arts. This religious institution and its practice has roots which can be traced back to the Biblical traditions of the “sanctuary”(miškan), also known as the Tabernacle, and the subsequent permanent “house” (bayit), or temple (miqdaš) built for the God of Israel.


Special attention will be given to the artistic motifs unearthed in the ancient synagogues unearthed in Israel, structures primarily datable to the Byzantine period (4th-7th centuries C.E.). The synagogues and their art can be seen as the culmination of a long process of development, whose roots are traceable to the Hellenistic era (3rd-1st centuries B.C.E.).


Robert Stieglitz is Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University

Cost: $7 per lecture; $35 annual membership

Register: Visit Website

For questions or to request accommodations contact:

Donald O Kane
