
Destruction, Exile and Return (Trimester #3)

Date: Sunday, March 26, 2023
Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Online OnlyOnline Only

Nine Sunday Mornings
10:30 AM-Noon ET
March 5 – May 7, 2023

Prior participation is not a pre-requisite for this course…
Our journey through biblical history continues as we conclude the book of II Kings. We will explore the destruction of the Northern Kingdom of Israel by Assyria in 721 BCE, and the Southern Kingdom by Babylon in 586 BCE. After these pivotal events, we encounter a void of about 70 years during the Babylonian exile. We continue the narrative through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah after the Persian Empire’s victory over Babylon and the return of the Judeans to Judah.

Through our exploration of these texts, we will develop our understanding of how the authors of these books, the Deuteronomic historians, describe the events, and we will also look to modern scholarship for unique insight and analysis.

Instructor: Gideon Amir
Location: Zoom Classroom
Registration: $125The Zoom link will be sent to all registrants prior to the first session.

Cost: $125

Register: Visit Website

For questions or to request accommodations contact:

Rebecca Leavey
[email protected]


Zoom Classroom