Since Panim was founded in 1988 by Rabbi Sid Schwarz, more than 16,000 Jewish teens from across the U.S. have attended its Washington, D.C.-based programs and thousands more have been impacted by PANIM programs in their home communities. As of 9/1/09, Panim is now a division of BBYO. PANIM educates, inspires and empowers Jewish youth to a lifetime of leadership, service and advocacy on behalf of the Jewish people and society at large. PANIM’s unique approach to Jewish education – integrating Jewish learning, values and social responsibility – reinforces Jewish identity and inspires a commitment to become agents for positive social change in the world. PANIM is training the next generation of Jewish leaders through advocacy training, community-service, leadership training and social entrepreneurship. In addition to its teen programs, PANIM provides training for teachers and lay leaders in the Jewish community. PANIM is committed to helping the Jewish community realize its historic legacy to advance tzedek and shalom (justice and peace) in the world. PANIM’s major programs include: Panim el Panim: On PANIM’s flagship four-day seminars in Washington, D.C., Jewish teens from around the country explore public policy and social activism through a Jewish lens. About 1,000 participants each year meet with members of Congress and their staffs, hear from policy experts, enjoy Washington’s historic tourist sites and return home knowing that they have the power to make a difference. Jewish Civics Initiative: A year-long service-learning program built around a PANIM curriculum, which includes a four-day seminar in Washington, D.C. During the Jewish Civics Initiative (JCI) program, teens create their own service projects in their home communities, study how Jewish values relate to that service, and consider the root causes of, and solutions to, the problems being addressed. More than 30 communities participate in JCI each year. PanimWorks: DC JAM (Judaism, Activism and Mitzvah work): A month-long summer program on the campus of The George Washington University that provides leadership training for teens passionate about politics, community service, and Judaism. JAM’s participants come from across the country and from diverse Jewish backgrounds. PanimWorks: Southwest: PANIM’s newest program sends delegations of Jewish teens to a Southwestern Native American reservation for service to a community in need, cross-cultural learning and exploration of their Jewish identity. Participants learn about leadership and responsibility, explore the great outdoors and are challenged to build an intentional community. J-Serve: A national day of community service for Jewish teens. PANIM serves as the Jewish community’s link to the National Day of Youth Service sponsored by Youth Service America. J-Serve engages approximately 10,000 participants nationwide each year.
2020 K Street NW, 7th floor
Washington, DC 20006
2020 K Street NW, 7th floor
Washington, DC 20006