
JCC of GW-Ulpan Ben Yehuda

Visit Website (301) 348-3760

Jewish Family Living and Learning Co-coordinator: Debbie Sokobin
Hebrew Coordinator: Rivka Degani

A comprehensive approach to learning Hebrew, both prayer and conversational. Classes from beginning to advanced at the JCC of Greater Washington are available daytime and evening.
Courses incorporate an individualized approach, concentrating on each student’s needs and focusing on acquisition of the four language skills???reading, writing, speaking and comprehension???with emphasis on the latter two.
Instructional materials include audiotapes, videotapes and conventional printed material. Classes are taught by veteran instructors with experience in teaching Hebrew, both as a foreign language and as a second language.


6125 Montrose Road
Rockville, MD 20852

JCC of GW-Ulpan Ben Yehuda
6125 Montrose Road
Rockville, MD 20852