Anne Frank House (AFH) is an independent private nonprofit corporation affiliated
with Adas Israel Congregation. Established in 1987, AFH provides permanent housing
and social service support to formerly homeless men and women with chronic mental
AFH activities are financed primarily by contributions and grants and are conducted
solely within the District of Columbia.
AFH owns six (6) condominiums and leases five (5) apartments. We rent these to our 11 clients for an average of $250 a month, about a quarter of our clients’ monthly income.
We provide our clients with mental and physical health care through our partners ??? Community Council for the Homeless at Friendship Place. AFH is board-run and less than 2% of our annual budget is dedicated to administrative costs.
Anne Frank House joined with the Community Council for the Homeless at Friendship Place and its AIM HIRE employment program on an exciting new initiative to provide temporary housing subsidies to former homeless individuals who are newly employed.
Low-income earners without stable housing are often caught in a ???catch-22???. They need
money to obtain and maintain housing, but they need stable housing to maintain a job.
Renting an apartment typically requires payment of a security deposit and the first month’s rent up front ??? resources a homeless person, even one who is newly employed, typically won’t have right away. Through a program enhancement, Anne Frank House provides funds to newly employed homeless individuals to obtain an apartment and live rent-free for up to three (3) months, until they become stabilized in their new job and can begin to make the payments on their own.
AFH is run by volunteers, with the exception of a part-time employee, a bookkeeper.
c/o Adas Israel Congregation
2850 Quebec St. NW
Washington, DC 20008
Anne Frank House Inc.
c/o Adas Israel Congregation
2850 Quebec St. NW
Washington, DC 20008