
The Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring

The Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring was founded in 1900 by Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe who sought to promote values of social and economic justice through a Jewish lens. Over the past century, the organization has undergone significant changes in outlook and program, but has remained passionately committed to the principles of Jewish community, the promotion of an enlightened Jewish culture, and social justice. The Workmen’s Circle is now building a new national network of energetic, engaged Jewish learning communities to join our Signature Shules (schools), Camp Kinder Ring, and their retreat and learning center, Circle Lodge, all connected by a shared passion to celebrate our Jewish cultural heritage and collectively improve the world through social change activism.


247 West 37th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10018

The Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring
247 West 37th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10018