
Temple B’nai Shalom

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Temple B’nai Shalom is a Reform congregation created in 1986 to serve the needs of the growing Jewish community in Northern Virginia. The Temple began with three families and has grown to over 450 families. Our permanent building opened in the fall of 1995, and includes a sunlit sanctuary, a social hall, and classrooms for our religious school.

We are dedicated to creating and maintaining a sense of community and to providing a variety of Jewish spiritual, social, and educational experiences for children and adults. We emphasize social action, outreach, helping the needy, and Tikkun Olam, making the world a better place for everyone and Torah study for adults as well as children.

Our congregation welcomes children and aduIts from a variety of backgrounds. Young and old, single, partnered, married, divorced, and people with special needs have found a home with us. Our Temple is a house of worship for all people, including Jewish members and others who share with their families a commitment to Reform Judaism.

We are affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism (fomerly called the Union of American Hebrew Congregations), the national organization of Reform Judaism, comprised of more then 800 affiliated Reform congregations in the United States and Canada. Reform Judaism seeks personal religious growth, social justice, and the continuity of Judaism for our children, grandchildren and the generations to come.

We invite you to be a part of our Temple family. Become familiar with us by attending our services, and introduce yourself. For further information, please call us at (703)764-2901.


7612 Old Ox Rd.
Fairfax Station, VA 22039

Temple B’nai Shalom
7612 Old Ox Rd.
Fairfax Station, VA 22039