Rabbi Bonny Grosz was ordained by The Academy for Jewish Religion in 2006 as a transdenominational rabbi, with her training covering the broad range of Jewish thought and practice throughout history and in today’s world. Her approach to Judaism and spirituality co-mingles the ancient with the new, having heart and spirit at it’s center. With an integral approach to Judaism, the ancient is blended with the new as well as inclusion of other traditions that speak of Ultimate Truths.
With a formal background in education (B.A. Manhattanville College), decades of teaching experience and and a history of service in the Northern Virginia area, Rabbi Bonny brings a wide range of skills to her rabbinate and counseling practice. She is committed to those she serves and to creating a more aware and joyful world, one person at a time.
Rabbi Bonny is founder and director of The Community Rabbi Foundation, based in Northern Virginia. The Foundation was created to support the services of a rabbi for the general population and for Jews who are unaffiliated. The Foundation is also a growing a network of rabbis around the country who serve in this capacity.
, VA 22030
Rabbi Bonny Grosz
, VA 22030