Founded in 1990, the National Jewish Democratic Council is the national voice of Jewish Democrats. Informed by our commitment to those values shared by the Democratic Party and the vast majority of American Jews – including the separation of church and state, a strong US-Israel relationship, and reproductive freedom – NJDC’s singular set of priorities includes:
•Educating Jewish voters about the very real differences between their Democratic and Republican candidates for elected office through special reports and voter guides. NJDC has distributed more than 350,000 informational guides to Jewish households in recent election cycles.
•Informing candidates for public office about the need to address and support issues of concern to the Jewish community.
•Advocating on behalf of Jewish and Democratic ideals on Capitol Hill and in Jewish and national media.
•Fighting the radical right agenda at every turn through research and reports, grassroots advocacy, working directly with lawmakers in Washington, and educating journalists.
777 North Capitol Street
Suite 305
Washington, DC 20002
National Jewish Democratic Council
777 North Capitol Street
Suite 305
Washington, DC 20002