
Na’ale Elite Academy

The Na’ale Elite Academy program was established with the goal of providing Jewish high school students worldwide an opportunity to study in Israel. More than 16,000 students from over 40 countries around the world studied through Naale since its inception. The program accommodates motivated, independent Jewish students of all levels of observance and academic interests who seek to expand their horizons.

Students start the program in ninth or tenth grade and graduate after the twelfth grade with a full Israeli matriculation certificate (“bagrut”). During the first year students follow an intensive Hebrew “ulpan” program so that by the end of their first year they are able to speak, read and write in Hebrew.

Candidates for the program should be in eighth, ninth or tenth grade (ages 14 up to 16) when applying. The program is fully subsidized by the Israeli government. The Na’ale scholarship includes: fully subsidize tuition education, free ticket to Israel, room and board, health insurance, trips, extra curricular activities, and more.

Na’ale offers different types of schools all over Israel for candidates to choose from. From secular to national religious to ultra-orthodox, kibbutz to a dorm in the city, applicants can find the school that’s right for them.


10 Bowne St.
East Brunswick, NJ 8816

Na’ale Elite Academy
10 Bowne St.
East Brunswick, NJ 8816