Minyan Roeh is a lay-led minyan that meets regularly once a month on Shabbat morning. Men lead shacharit and musaf, women lead pesukei d’zimra, hotza’at vehaknasat sefer torah (the Torah service). Both men and women receive aliyot, leyn from the torah, read haftara, and give divrei torah. Boys and girls are invited to lead the closing portion of musaf. The men’s and women’s sections of Minyan Roeh are side by side, with a mehitzah separating the two. At Minyan Roeh we count a minyan of 10 men and 10 women.
Minyan Roeh is proud to meet in an area with so much vibrant Jewish life. Our goal is to enhance that Jewish life, and allow people to find an alternate prayer experience alongside full service Jewish communities in our area. We anticipate that participants in our minyan will have a primary spiritual home elsewhere and that Minyan Roeh will draw from various backgrounds and places.
Meets at: Shepherd Elementary School
7800 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20012
Minyan Roeh
Meets at: Shepherd Elementary School
7800 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20012