Maryland Accessible Telecommunications (MAT) program believes telephones are an integral part of daily life and provides free assistive telephone communications equipment to qualified individuals residing in the State of Maryland.
MAT distributes free TTYs, amplified handsets, and other assistive devices to qualified applicants who have difficulty using the telephone. To qualify, applicants must currently be receiving SSI (Supplemental Social Income), SSDI (Social Security Disability Income), SS (Social Security), TEMHA (Transitional Emergency Medical and Housing Assistance) or TCA (Temporary Cash Assistance), and may be deaf, hard of hearing, DeafBlind, speech or mobility disabled. For detailed information about MAT, contact Maryland Relay Customer Service.
•Available to Maryland residents at least 5 years old, (persons under 18 must have application signed by parent or legal guardian)•Recipients must be certified as having one of the following disabilities: mobility, blind, low vision, cognitive, DeafBlind, speech, deaf or hard of hearing, and have difficulty using a standard telephone.•Must have telephone service in your home or apply for phone service
301 W. Preston St . Suite 1008a
Baltimore, MD 21201
Maryland Accessible Telecommunications
301 W. Preston St . Suite 1008a
Baltimore, MD 21201