MADRE is an international women’s human rights organization that works towards a world in which all people enjoy the fullest range of individual and collective human rights; in which resources are shared equitably and sustainably; in which women participate effectively in all aspects of society; and in which people have a meaningful say in decisions that affect their lives.
MADRE’s vision is enacted with an understanding of the inter-relationships between the various issues we address and by a commitment to working in partnership with women at the local, regional, and international levels who share our goals
MADRE uses human rights to advance social justice. We partner with women in communities worldwide to meet urgent, local needs and create long-term solutions to the problems that women face.
Our programs areas are:
Peace Building
Women’s Health & Combating Violence Against Women
Economic & Environmental Justice
121 West 27th Street, # 301
New York, NY 10001
121 West 27th Street, # 301
New York, NY 10001