
Lifeline for the Old (Yad Lakashish)

“Lifeline for the Old in Jerusalem (Yad LaKashish) provides employment opportunities and social services to the needy elderly and disabled of Jerusalem. They work daily in 10 different handicraft workshops, earn a small stipend and receive a free monthly bus pass, hot lunch daily for 25 cents, free medical checkups, the services of an on-staff social worker, holiday gifts and celebrations, and trips to places of interest around Israel. Yad LaKashish actualizes the Rambam’s highest level of Tzedakah-to provide a person with the means to help him/herself. For more information about Lifeline for the Old in Jerusalem, please e-mail: or directly to Israel at 972-2-628-7829. Lifeline welcomes visitors to tour the workshops and to purchase their unique handcrafted creations in the gift shop. Volunteers who can devote some time while in Israel are welcome. Tax exempt donations (minimum $35.00) can be made out and sent to P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds, 317 Madison Ave. Suite 607 New York, NY 10017 with the notation that the donation is for Lifeline for the Old in Jerusalem. For tax-deductible donations in the US: Friends of Yad LaKashish / Lifeline for the Old, P.O. Box 494, Englewood, NJ 0763, Carla Harman, President


14 Shivtei Israel Street
P.O. Box 28
Jerusalem, Israel 91000

Lifeline for the Old (Yad Lakashish)
14 Shivtei Israel Street
P.O. Box 28
Jerusalem, Israel 91000