
Kol Ami: Northern Virginia Reconstructionist Community

Kol Ami is a growing and caring group of progressive Jews who believe in the continuity of Jewish spirituality in an egalitarian and interactive atmosphere that respects both the traditional and the modern. Kol Ami welcomes all people and we aim to do that in every aspect of our community life. Diversity and inclusion are among Kol Ami’s core values. We love and welcome our neighbors who are: Jews by birth, Jews by choice, interfaith families, or just curious about Judaism; male, female, transgender, or non-binary; of all races and ethnic backgrounds, U.S. citizens, immigrants and visitors; single, married, divorced, separated, or partnered; straight, gay, lesbian, or bisexual; babies who are crawling (even if they cry), seniors, or any age in between; struggling with addictions, phobias, or a troubled past; homeowners, renters, or experiencing homelessness; fully-abled, disabled, or a person of differing abilities. We see God’s face in all.

As the fourth branch of Judaism, Reconstructionism has its own rabbinical seminary and over 100 affiliated congregations and havurot. Kol Ami is an affiliate of Jewish Reconstructionist Communities.

Kol Ami holds services and events in a variety of settings. Directions to public buildings are on the website. Directions to private homes are not posted on the website. If you need directions to an event being held in a member’s home, you may get them from the contact person listed for the event on our Schedule of Events. Our primary meeting location is the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington.

The atmosphere of the community is egalitarian and interactive, honoring both the traditional and the modern.

Began as a small Havurah and now expanded into activities in a regular schedule of service and events; however Kol Ami is committed to maintain the close-knit, highly participatory format of a Havurah.

Rabbi Gilah Langner is our part-time Rabbi.

We hold regular services and offer a schedule of educational and social events, both at the UUCA and member’s homes.

We offer Hebrew school on Sundays and are active participants in the Chesapeake Area Reconstructionist Council.