
Jewish Community Services of South Florida

Visit Website 305-899-1587

Children & Youth Services

JCS specializes in compassionate services that address the unique needs of children, adolescents and young adults. From mental health counseling and addiction treatment to violence prevention and mentoring initiatives, JCS has programs to assist youth in any situation or circumstance. In keeping with our efforts to deliver help in neighborhood settings, many programs are offered at JCS offices, area schools, synagogues and community centers.

Adult & Family Services

JCS’ network of services assists adults and families of all incomes in ways that strengthen individuals, marriages, relationships and family units, contributing to a healthier community. Those searching for mental health counseling, job assistance, support for survivors of domestic abuse and a variety of other services can count on JCS’ professional staff for effective treatment and guidance. JCS is here to help in times of stress, strife and adversity with a range of quality programs.

Senior Support Services

Those over 60 are urged to take advantage of JCS’ in-depth experience and expertise. Our number one priority is keeping seniors active, healthy and living in their own homes for as long as it is safe and appropriate. From locations throughout Miami-Dade County, JCS helps clients maintain their dignity and independence with diverse initiatives that include home care, personal emergency response systems, home-delivered meals, care management, adult day care and transportation services.


735 NE 125th Street
North Miami, FL 33161

Jewish Community Services of South Florida
735 NE 125th Street
North Miami, FL 33161