The International Federation of Rabbis was founded in 2000 and provides a much needed service to rabbis worldwide. The IFR is not an alumni organization or a movement, instead the IFR functions as a practical resource for rabbis of all backgrounds who want and need a forum to examine and adapt to a changing Judaism in the 21st century.
IFR members stay connected with their colleagues worldwide through a private list serve, private interactive website, and a newsletter published four times a year. Provides referral services for the Jewish community for life cycle events, lectures, teaching engagements, pulpits and chaplaincies. IFR welcomes all rabbis no matter their background, affiliation, denomination, or practice.
5600 Wisconsin Avenue, NW #1107
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
International Federation of Rabbis
5600 Wisconsin Avenue, NW #1107
Chevy Chase, MD 20815