
HBI Conversations (Hadassah-Brandeis Institute)

A part of Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, located at Brandeis University, HBI Conversations is a national innovative book and author series that brings together Jewish women and authors to meet and discuss books dealing with Jewish and gender issues. At each of the three meetings, you will have the opportunity to talk and create a meaningful connection with the author as you discuss her work, ideas, research and more. Started in 2001 in Palm Beach, Fla., the program currently consists of nine groups nationwide – including HBI Conversations Bethesda/DC – with over 450 women participating. Sessions generally consist of 40-50 people each, enabling a meaningful conversation with each author.


Locations in Bethesda/DC To Be Announced
Bethesda/DC Area, MD

HBI Conversations (Hadassah-Brandeis Institute)
Locations in Bethesda/DC To Be Announced
Bethesda/DC Area, MD