Elesavetgrad Cemetery Assn.
Cemetery: off of 15th St, SE, Anacostia. Contact: Sylvia Kress, (301) 942-4987; Source: Bill Landau, (301) 299-8143 (home) (202) 273-6788 (work). Located at Congress Place SE near 15th Street. The person who has large index cards with a record of all burials is Mrs. Sylvia Kress, (410) 342-4987, Baltimore, MD. Another contact for this cemetery is Harry W. Heltzman, 1427 Chilton Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20904 (301) 384-5214. With about 1000 burials at this location, the cemetery is located adjacent to other Jewish cemeteries (Congress Heights Cemeteries).
5233 15th Place SE
Washington, DC 20020
Elesavetgrad-Cemetery Association & DC Hebrew Beneficial Assoc.
5233 15th Place SE
Washington, DC 20020