
Dr. April Rubin

Following completion of Internship and Residency training at the University of Chicago, April Rubin M.D. has practiced obstetrics and gynecology on Capitol Hill since 1982. She has performed well over 1,000 medical circumcisions on babies she has delivered. In 2003 Dr. Rubin was designated a mohel (feminine: mohelet) in the Conservative Movement of Judaism after completion of the Brit Kodesh course at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. She now performs 50-60 brit milah, brit le’shem gerut (brit for purposes of conversion), hatafat dam (conversion of a previously circumcised male) and brit bat (naming ceremony for a girl baby) each year.


Washington, DC 20011

Dr. April Rubin

Washington, DC 20011

Categories: New Baby Rituals