The central coordinating body for American Jewry, representing 50 national Jewish agencies from across the political and religious spectrums on issues of national and international concern. The voice of organized American Jewry, speaking and acting on the basis of consensus on issues of vital international and national concern. Advocate for affiliated American Jews, forging diverse groups into a unified force for Israel’s well-being. The central forum for key American, Israeli and other world leaders to address critical issues of concern to the American Jewish community. What they do: strengthen and foster the special U.S.-Israel relationship; ensure that Israel’s interests are heard and understood by policy makers, opinion molders and the American public; address critical foreign policy issues that impact the American Jewish community; represent the interests of organized American Jewry; protect and enhance the security and dignity of Jews around the world.
633 3rd Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
633 3rd Avenue
New York, NY 10017