Consumer Assistance Resource Specialists provide free information, referral and advocacy to adults who are age 60 or over. They advocate on behalf of clients to make sure they receive the benefits and services to which they are entitled and provide assistance with completing forms for government programs.
Services provided include help in identifying and applying for government and other benefit programs, including:
Aid for the Aged, Blind and Disabled [AABD]
Social Security
Supplemental Security Income [SSI]
Food Stamps [SNAP])
Property/rental tax and license plate tax rebates and RTA reduced or free ride passes (Circuit Breaker)
Real estate tax exemptions
Prescription drug plan assistance (Medicare Part D, Extra Help [Limited Income Subsidy], Illinois Cares Rx)
RTA Para-transit and transportation (RTA Free Ride Program, CTA Special and Taxi Access Program)
Health insurance (Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Savings Program)
Housing (affordable and subsidized housing, group, assisted or supportive living)
Landlord/tenant rights
Immigration and Citizenship
Resource Specialists are certified Senior Health Insurance Program [SHIP] counselors and can assist in navigating and resolving health insurance problems.
Bernard Horwich Building
3003 W. Touhy Ave.
Chicago, IL 60645
CJE SeniorLife (Chicago)
Bernard Horwich Building
3003 W. Touhy Ave.
Chicago, IL 60645