Americans for Peace Now [APN] was founded in 1981 to support the activities of Shalom Achshav in Israel. APN is the leading United States advocate for peace in the Middle East. A PN’s mission is to help Israel and the Shalom Achshav movement to achieve a comprehensive political settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict consistent with Israel’s long-term security needs and its Jewish and democratic values.
About Shalom Acshav:
Shalom Achshav believes a secure peace can best be achieved through Israeli withdrawal to safe borders from the West Bank and Gaza; creation of a Palestinian state subject to strict military limitations; negotiation of security and peace accords between Israel and Syria leading to a safe Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights; and a resolution on the status of an undivided Jerusalem that accommodates the national aspirations and religious needs of both Israeli and Palestinian residents.
Has internship: Attending and reporting on Congressional hearings, managing grassroots network of pro-Israel, pro-peace activists, engaging in research and programming, other duties to be determined based on interests.
2100 M Street NW, Suite 619
Washington, DC 20037
Americans for Peace Now
2100 M Street NW, Suite 619
Washington, DC 20037