
American Jewish Society for Service

The American Jewish Society for Service offers opportunities for Jewish teens to put their Jewish values into action as they provide significant and meaningful service to communities in need. AJSS engages in acts of “tikkun olam” — repairing the world – one paint brush, one hammer, one shovel at a time.

The mission of the AJSS is to build Jewish leaders while simultaneously providing meaningful service to communities in need across America. The Society conducts two or three voluntary work service camps each summer to enable young people to live their faith by serving other people. The Society selects meaningful and challenging projects, recruits and screens the campers, furnishes a competent staff, and guides the religious, educational and recreational program that supplements the work activity. The projects are in the summer and last for six weeks.


10319 Westlake Blvd.
Suite 193
Bethesda, MD 20817

American Jewish Society for Service
10319 Westlake Blvd.
Suite 193
Bethesda, MD 20817