
America-Israel Friendship League

Visit (212) 213-8630 ext:0

The America-Israel Friendship League was founded by dignitaries such as Hubert H. Humphrey, Henry Scoop Jackson, Nelson A. Rockefeller, civil rights leader A. Philip Randolph, and Congressman Herbert Tenzer to support U.S-Israel friendship by stressing our mutual commitment to democratic principles, respect for human rights and dignity, and to highlight Israel’s efforts to implement that freedom and democracy in the Middle East. Bridging gaps and enriching lives around shared democratic values of pluralism, tolerance, and inclusion, we forge alliances that transcend religious, ethnic, political and geographic boundaries.
Through educational programs such as the Youth Ambassador Student Exchange, the U.S–Israel Citizenship Through Sports Exchange, and Leadership Missions to Israel, we have touched thousands of hearts and transformed thousands of minds.
The AIFL is a non-sectarian, non-partisan organization. Since our inception, we have united peoples regardless of race, gender, creed or political affiliation. We currently have offices in New York City and Tel Aviv and local chapters in San Francisco and Tucson.


134 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016

America-Israel Friendship League
134 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016