ALEPH grew out of the P’nai Or Religious Fellowship founded by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi in 1962. ALEPH is a core institution in the Jewish renewal movement, dedicated to the Jewish people’s sacred purpose of partnership with the Divine in the inseparable tasks of healing the world and healing our hearts. ALEPH supports and grows the worldwide movement for Jewish renewal by organizing and nurturing communities, developing leadership, creating liturgical and scholarly resources, and working for social and environmental justice.
ALEPH’s affiliated projects include:
* Bet Midrash includes preparation and publication of Jewish Renewal books and media, the Legacy Project, which supports the creative work of Aleph’s founder and world-renown spiritual leader Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, and distance learning classes.
* ALEPH Kallah, a biennial international gathering (
* ALEPH Ordination Programs, mentored study leading to private ordination as rabbi, cantor, rabbinic pastor or spiritual director.
* OHALAH: The Association of Rabbis for Jewish Renewal.
* C-DEEP, The Center for Devotional Energy & Ecstatic Practice, a resource-place for communities and individuals who want to explore the deep treasures of Judaism in order to cultivate the devotional and ecstatic aspects of their lives.
* ALEPH Spiritual Eldering Program, workshops for elders, family members and professionals.
* Institute for Contemporary Midrash supports clergy, educators and artists in using the arts to interpret sacred texts (
* ALEPH ReSource Catalog, books/tapes and videos
* Publications: Siddur Kol Koreh and Kol Aleth
* Network of Jewish Renewal Communities, a world-wide association of congregations and havurot
* ALEPH Caravan – study with your favorite teachers at home
* Kesher for Young Adults engages, educates, and empowers young Jews as it connects them to organized Jewish life.
* Rodef Shalom School for Peace empowers Jews to work as peace builders in their communities.
* Ruach Ha’Aretz: ALEPH’s mobile retreat center
* Sacred Foods Project: interfaith project to incorporate religious and ethical principles in the ways in which we produce and distribute food.
* ALEPH Israel Trips: spiritually grounded study tours emphasizing peacemaking and environmentalism.
7000 Lincoln Drive, #B2
Philadelphia, PA 19119-3046
ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal
7000 Lincoln Drive, #B2
Philadelphia, PA 19119-3046