Tu B’Shevat (the birthday of the trees) starts next Wednesday night, and we have ideas and events to inspire your celebrations throughout the month. It may seem odd to celebrate trees during their winter dormancy. However, in Israel, they’re starting to bloom. Locally, you can protect and celebrate trees and their fruits, even in the […]
As we begin 2025, I hope you can bring two values from Chanukah forward into the new year (especially appropriate since 2025 has two Chanukahs!). The first is rededication¸ which is the literal translation of “Chanukah,” and the second is community, or kehillah. Rededication: The name of the holiday means “rededication,” in honor of the […]
It’s no coincidence that there are numerous holidays that celebrate light at the darkest time of the year in this hemisphere.* Adding light when it gets dark is a very human response, whether you are celebrating Diwali, Kwanzaa, the Moon Festival, Christmas, Lou Krathong, or of course, Chanukah! Each of us can “be a light” […]
As you read this, I am probably frantically running around trying to finish the last-minute details for my kids’ b’nai mitzvah* this weekend. As I run through my “to do” list — which seems to get longert every time I look at it — there is one word that keeps running through my mind: hodaya […]
In these Days of Awe (the time between Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement), I want to take a moment to acknowledge the reverberating impact of the events of October 7th and this week’s community commemorations. We understand that this time can bring a mix of emotions — […]
Welcome to the new school year. I love seeing all the back-to-school photos that families are sharing on social media! I hope you and your children are adapting well to the transition from summertime to fall routines. In addition to a new school year, it’s now a new Hebrew month: two nights ago, Elul began […]
I love the Olympics. Every two years, it feels like the world comes together in celebration of excellence and hard work. From the Opening Ceremony with the joyful Parade of Nations and emotional lighting of the Olympic torch through the many different competitions, it’s an exciting time! We are in the middle of the competition, […]
We are excited to share ways to come together as a community to celebrate freedom and the history of Jews in America. Head to the Capital Jewish Museum’s open house on July 4th to learn about Jewish Revolutionary War history and create an activity bag to use while waiting for the fireworks to begin. Share […]
Every year, my kids and I look forward to Shavuot (feast of weeks). Staying up late reading and eating ice cream has become a treasured tradition in our family. Shavuot celebrates the receiving of the Torah at Mount Sinai and the first fruits of the late spring harvest. It is a holiday about food, setting […]
Each year, the people of Israel commemorate three holidays that highlight the fragility and the resilience of the Jewish people: Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), which starts Sunday, May 5th at sundown; Yom HaZikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day), which starts Sunday, May 12th at sundown; and Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day), which starts on Monday, May […]