
Purim in Four Acts

Date: Sunday, March 2, 2025
Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Organization: Edlavitch DCJCC
Wheelchair AccessibleWheelchair Accessible Metro AccessibleMetro Accessible PJ Library SponsoredPJ Library Sponsored

What does it actually mean to celebrate Purim? Why do we wear costumes? In this session we will experience the four key components of Purim: listening to the Megillah, gifts for those who are food insecure, bringing treats to friends, and enjoying a feast!

Children in kindergarten through third grade and their adults are invited to use all their senses to engage with Jewish holidays and traditions in this joyful monthly series led by Rabbi Atara Cohen, Director of Jewish Life and Learning at the EDCJCC. Each standalone session will explore questions and themes of the calendar through accessible texts and creative hands-on activities. Questions? Please reach out to Rabbi Atara at

Cost: $25

Register: Visit Website


1529 Sixteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Edlavitch DCJCC
1529 Sixteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036