
Oseh Shalom Religious School Registration OPENS

Date: Friday, June 2, 2023
Time: 5:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Online OnlyOnline Only

Join us for a fantastic year of Jewish learning, Jewish cooking, Jewish theater, Hebrew, Torah, and davenning. This year the students chose our new tikkun olam (repair the world) theme: Helping Animals and the Environment. There will be a special Jewish Blessing for the Animals event and Shabbat Noach (the Noah’s ark story) for families in the fall in addition to working for animal conservation in Israel’s nature preserves. Join us for a year of fun and fulfillment. We look forward to sharing more about our experiential learning and academic programs. For more information, email [email protected]. To register your child AGE 3 – 18, click HERE. Early bird prices are for this month only.

Cost: $0

Register: Visit Website

For questions or to request accommodations contact:


Oseh Shalom