
Love Beyond Borders: One People, One Heart

Date: Monday, January 20, 2025
Time: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Organization: SVIVAH
Online OnlyOnline Only Sign Language Interpreter Available Upon RequestSign Language Interpreter Available Upon Request

“Am ekhad, b’lev ekhad.” One people, one heart.

Join us as we check in with our Jewish sisters across the globe, expressing our love for one another and learning about each others’ stories.

We will hear from wonderful educators in Tel Aviv, Ukraine, Amsterdam, the Iranian community in the US, and others who will give us deeper insights into their Jewish communities and what they are experiencing at this time, and will share with us the Jewish wisdom that is resonating with them at this moment in history.

Love Beyond Borders: One People, One Heart

Monday, January 20th @ 1:30-3:30pm ET

In Partnership with Jewish Women’s Archive, NCJW, SRE Network, Women’s Rabbinic Network, FeedPrayLoveJerusalem, JOFA, and more

RSVP for Zoom Link —

Let’s come together and show Jewish women* across the world that we care about them, and that they are not alone.

Love knows no borders. We need our sisters. Our sisters need us. We need to hear each other’s voices.

We need each other now more than ever.

Come when you can, stay till you can’t. But, come. We have so much to learn from you.

Please invite someone you think might want to be with us, too.

*As always, SVIVAH welcomes all those wishing to be included in a circle of Jewish women. If you want to be with us, we want you with us and welcome.

This gathering welcomes learners of all backgrounds. Our diversity is what makes our gatherings richest. Come be with us. We want to learn from you, too

Questions? Email

Cost: Free, donations welcomed

Register: Visit Website

For questions or to request accommodations contact:

Ariele Mortkowitz


RSVP for Zoom link