Adas Israel’s Ma’alot DC Hebrew High School program for 7th-12th graders engages post b???nai mitzvah students in Torah study as they begin to explore Judaism as young adults. The staff and faculty at Adas Israel work hard to create an environment that promotes community and socialization so that students continue to strengthen existing relationships and build new ones in these important developmental years of self discovery. Every session begins with a dinner that starts with Hamotzi and ends with Birkat Hamazon, blessings after meal. Israeli and Jewish music and socializing makes for an enticing atmosphere for teens.
Using Jewish texts and drawing from our rich tradition, the Ma’alot DC faculty and staff give students the opportunity to look at Jewish sources that have shaped Jewish life and practice for centuries and to understand them in a personal way. Our faculty, which includes members of the clergy, act more as facilitators giving students the chance to interact with one another and to understand important Jewish issues through the eyes of each other. Ma’alot DC serves as a great bridge that brings together students from Day School and Religious School backgrounds. Our teachers build relationships with our students that continue long after the students go to college. Every year we involveShinShinim, Israeli teens who become part of our high school community teaching classes and sharing Israel with our students.
2850 Quebec Street, NW
Washington, DC 20008
Ma’alot DC
2850 Quebec Street, NW
Washington, DC 20008