
B’nai Israel Schilit Nursery School

Visit Website (301) 816-5578

Director: Karen Gerton

State accredited nursery school. Ages: 15 months-24 months (parent-toddler classes)
2-5 years nursery school. September – June. Early morning drop off, afternoon and enrichment classes for 3 – 5 year olds; Judaic and secular early childhood environment, and parent education. Special program Tikvah Two’s for children turning two 9/1/08-1/10/09. Extended care until 3 pm
Pre-K Gesher Class
Summer Camp

Camp Katan, 6 weeks of camp held during summer for ages 2-5.


6301 Montrose Road
Rockville, MD 20852

B’nai Israel Schilit Nursery School
6301 Montrose Road
Rockville, MD 20852

Related Organization: B’nai Israel Congregation