
Bender Early Childhood Center

The JCCGW Preschool is a place where children grow and learn in a nurturing, inclusive Jewish setting. The JCCGW Preschool strives to foster a positive sense of self for each child by encouraging children to express themselves through creative art and music activities and by making the Jewish holidays, customs, traditions and values come to life. The JCCGW Preschool offers 10- and 12- month programs for ages 24 months-5 years, with half-and full-day options available. A three-day-a-week program option for 2-year-olds is available. ??? HoliDaycare
Childcare is offered from 9 AM ??? 5 PM for preschool parents during Jewish holidays and other days the preschool is closed.


6125 Montrose Road
Rockville, MD 20852

Bender Early Childhood Center
6125 Montrose Road
Rockville, MD 20852