Deepen your family’s Chanukah experience, beyond the gelt and glitz and gifts!
This page is dedicated to enhancing your Chanukah celebration by providing Chanukah resources from around Greater Washington. Now is the time to connect with the community whether with your family in-person or virtually.
Note to parents: These eight values are derived from the story of Chanukah, with pieces for learning, asking, doing and reading. Choose to explore as many values as you’d like. You can go in order, or skip around as desired, but we recommend ending with Rededication.
Note to parents: we recommend reading through each night’s value first to decide if there are parts you’d like to change the words to suit your child’s developmental level. We have provided a variety of questions—please choose the ones that would work best for your family’s discussion.
For each of these 8 Values of Chanukah, we offer:
Chanukah Candle Blessings – A Quick Guide
5 Tips for Navigating a Chanukah-Christmas Overlap
There’s No Such Thing as the December Dilemma
Make a Jar Menorah (as seen on W*USA 9!)